The Challenge
Contrast Creative is consistently challenged to produce numerous motivating and compelling design and video elements around a central theme that promotes and enhances All-Staff Events. The Contrast Creative team produced all branding elements and videos for Duke University Hospital’s All-Staff Event since its inception through 2018. We have also successfully produced Duke Raleigh Hospital’s All-Staff program since 2014.
The All-Staff program was created to connect to the hospital’s employees to its mission, vision and values. Duke Hospital and Duke Raleigh Hospital contracted with Contrast Creative to develop all branding and graphic design for each event, including logo development, promotional fliers,event posters, stage banners and more, as well as producing many compelling videos. The All-Staff program is strategically designed each year to reinforce actions and behaviors that positively impact quality outcomes necessary to propel a high-performing organization forward. This program aims to motivate and inspire all employees to embrace a unique system-wide commitment to transforming healthcare by becoming the best place to work, practice medicine and receive care.
The Result
Our team designs event logos, registration and event posters, website splash pages, pop-up banners, PowerPoint templates and other promotional and event materials for annual All-Staff events. These materials are vital to the overall success of the program with both videos and design capturing a long list of marketing and advertising awards from organizations like Healthcare Marketing Report.