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Merging Services for Improved Outcomes

Contrast Creative experienced a merger first-hand this past spring. Our client, Alamance Regional Medical Center, was in the process of merging with Cone Health while we were in the process of creating Alamance Regional’s new . . . 

Social Media Marketing 101: Twitter

I <3 #tbt with my co-workers @contrastcreativ! Check out my link abcde.fgh.ijklmnop #bestplacetowork Does that make any sense? It appears strange, but it’s actually a language evolved from the minds of computer programmers and trigger-happy . . . 

Live like you were skydiving

There I was, wedged inside the cramped confines of a Twin Otter airplane. In three, two, one, I was in the air where fear and loss of control no longer existed. Watch as I take . . . 

An Insider’s Introduction to TeamSTEPPS

Do you remember what the first day of school felt like? Awkward. I could feel my classmates’ eyes staring through me.  In my mind, they were omniscient about every subject from the multiplication and periodic . . . 

Have we got a studio for you!

If this is the case, renting an acoustically engineered, state of the art production studio and sound stage like Contrast Creative’s might just be your solution. Before inquiring about renting our custom built, sound-resistant studio . . . 

Five Reasons We Love Instagram Video

With the release of Instagram video recently, our video production hearts skipped a beat. Since the release, the production/editing nerds in our office have been running around testing the new feature out, making little videos . . . 

Contact Us

If you are interested in a free quote or in renting our studio please call or email us today! Let’s get a conversation started!

2598 Highstone Rd
Cary, NC 27519

P 919.469.9151
F 919.469.0331

Get in touch!