What’s an infographic?
Holden: “Typically, the modern idea of an infographic is put into one of two categories: video or print. Infographics are visual images that represent information and are designed to simplify content for the user. Infographics have been around for a long time, and we see them more than we realize. For example, financial institutions routinely use bar graphs or pie charts that represent numerical data, and for a while we were used to seeing images like cell coverage maps on TV commercials – coast to coast. Video infographics are more engaging because you can share a lot more information in a shorter period of time.”
Explain the creative process used to design an infographic video. There seems to be a real art to effective infographic design.
Holden: “First, designers need to understand the message and think about an overall look and feel. My design for the Google + animation began with a blog written by our Digital Content Producer Anne Woodman on the top seven reasons why businesses should use Google+. First, I consider how to transition from one design element to the next. In this instance, it was important to develop a seamless transition for each bullet point.”
Why should someone choose to use an infographic versus traditional video?
Holden: “It all depends on the message. Let’s say that we wanted to tell healthcare workers the importance of hand hygiene. They already know that properly washing their hands is the first line of defense to decrease the spread of germs, and watching a demonstration isn’t going to be very exciting. If we were to take that same message and recreate it using characters and illustrations, you’d be able to include more details while keeping viewers’ interest.”
In your opinion what types of elements do you see designers using that work or don’t work?
Holden: “The infographics that are most effective don’t need to rely on gimmicks with a lot of text or noise. A good infographic can utilize colors and well-designed images to convey a message. When I was younger, my parents would take us to the library and let us choose which books we wanted to read. I was drawn to books with intriguing illustrations, and that’s what led me to pick up a particular book. Even if it was a story I had already read like Treasure Island, I would pick out a different copy if it had great illustrations.”
What types of design elements are currently trending?
Holden: “Kinetic typography was popular for a while and can still be effective but it really depends on the message you’re trying to convey. I see a lot of illustrators using 3-D imagery, but I feel that 2-D imagery is just as effective. Again, it all depends on the content and your target audience. The possibilities are limitless!”