I <3 #tbt with my co-workers @contrastcreativ! Check out my link abcde.fgh.ijklmnop #bestplacetowork
Does that make any sense? It appears strange, but it’s actually a language evolved from the minds of computer programmers and trigger-happy texting teenagers. What many corporations as well as business-to-business marketers recognize is that this language is becoming a standard form of globalized communication.
Social media is an ongoing conversation; constantly evolving and continually growing. I’m part of the original Facebook generation back when you had to have a college email account to join. They now tout over 1 billion users worldwide. As a professional in the communications field, I’m exposed to new terminology, etiquette and user agreement clauses everyday. At that pace, it’s essential for organizations to participate on a variety of social media platforms as a way to interact with consumers, patients, clients and each other.
I <3 Twitter.
Twitter is one of the top social media networking sites with nearly 600 million registered users. For most first-time users the amount of information being shared as well as the jargon can be overwhelming. Tweets are limited to 140 characters, and whatever that message conveys it’s likely to include a link, a handle and a hashtag. It can be challenging to effectively communicate a message with those limitations. Familiarizing yourself with the lingo and routine practical application are important steps to increasing brand awareness while engaging your target audience.
Before you create an account or start scheduling tweets, let’s break it down to the basics.
What’s a handle? The handle is your username prefixed with an @ symbol. It’s the way tweeters (Twitter users) call out to you and about you. Although handles are limited to 15 characters, it’s important that your handle reflect the name of your organization. It can be as simple as an acronym or a combination of short words that illustrate the services your organization provides.
What’s a follower? Followers are tweeters that are interested in reading the content that you share. These users are your target audience. You gain followers by sharing relevant information specific to your industry and your company. In turn, you should follow thought leaders in your field as well as organizations that you are directly involved.
What’s a tweet? A tweet is your message. As I mentioned earlier, it’s limited to 140 characters. Your tweets should contain content related to your industry, including news about your organization and topics that engage your target audience. For example, a women’s healthcare provider should tweet reminders about scheduling annual mammograms during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
What’s a retweet? A retweet (RT) is the act of one user sharing an original tweet created by another user. You increase brand awareness by reaching users beyond your direct followers. That women’s healthcare provider that I just mentioned will likely have a female follower that will retweet that reminder to her followers (her friends) to schedule a mammogram. The end result may be a new patient calls that provider to make an appointment.
What’s a hashtag? A hashtag is a keyword or phrase about the statement you’re sharing. It begins with the # symbol and the primary way for Tweeters to search for content and/or become part of a discussion. The reminder for scheduling annual mammograms could include a hashtag related to breast cancer. A user with an interest in that topic may see that tweet in a search and decide to follow the provider.
Tips to Consider:
You may look at establishing a personal and professional account. Use your professional account to share relevant information with your colleagues and other business contacts. While these people might appreciate that your pet is adorable cute, they’re probably more interested in tapping into your vast knowledge of industry-related content.
Follow other users that work in your profession. This is an opportunity to network with multiple individuals in one place while establishing yourself as a thought leader.
It always pays to be kind. Twitter is a great place to praise the accomplishments of your colleagues, clients or followers. A simple job well done or higher praise for an award achievement is a good cornerstone in building a positive relationship.